Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog #4

I think Weinberger's ideas are a huge part of the What is Web 2.0 and Web Squared articles. Weinberger's idea that information is now a social network asset is directly related to the other two articles. The other two articles take a look at how the internet has grown, and the internet has grown as fast as it has partly due to the fact that there is an abundance of information available that can be easily accessed and obtained. Social networks have learned how to access and obtain some of this information for business purposes. The last sentence of chapter 5 also pertains to the What is Web 2.0 and Web Squared articles. Weinberger says, "Control has already changed hands. The new rules of the information jungle are in effect, transforming the landscape in which we work, buy, learn, vote, and play" (Weinberger 106). With the internet being what it is today, now we can work, buy, learn, vote, and play online, all because of the massive amounts of information that is being passed through the new web every single day.


  1. Bravo, everything you say is right in my eyes. Wienberger is just saying what Tim has already noted in a different approach. With the internet, we can tag our favorite things, and has this lead to? Flickr? Delicous? even Wikipedia. It doesn't end, and with giving users the power to do what they want and sharing it, they allow other users to do the same and grow as a community to make it easier for everyone.

  2. I do agree with a lot of stuff that you said, but in one sentence you stated that "the internet has grown as fast as it has partly due to the fact that there is an abundance of information available that can be easily accessed and obtained." I am not saying you are wrong because you are not. I just think a larger cause of the internet growing is because of its users. That vast amount of information had to get there somehow and it is the users who first put it there. However, your last sentence is perfect with how you said it, well done.

  3. You've definitely summed it up very well! It's crazy how companies can gather information about us to customize our experience. Not only in social networks, but think about how Amazon uses user information. They take information about what you buy and they suggest products for you. When you haven't purchased something in a while, they'll send you e-mails suggesting recently viewed items and related products to get you back to shopping and buying. Web 2.0, Web Squared and Weinberger's ideas are applicable to virtually everything online - it's not just limited to social networks!

  4. You do a good job w/ Weinberger here, but I would've liked more when you say, "The other two articles take a look at how the internet has grown..." Sort of, for sure, but I'm not quite sure I guess what you mean by "how the internet has grown." What, specifically, do the articles talk about? What kinds of trends/ideas do they notice? Just work on being a bit more specific here. Thanks.
